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引用元:精霊物語グランドファンタジア(Grand Fantasia) 専門サイト


My grandfather is "ghost" was: Magic Tomb: Chapter 5, the 9th Xuannv (3)

52 Laohu Zhongjie as along the arms and Xuannv Chuaizhuo 9 日, walking for home. As light as a feather, the picture felt like I had re-Jin Hu in Laos. Sun Minami Makoto Kanako Tei, Korean hands ... I do not know to hide the secret of the family in the south. Korean Sun Net Chujiang, until the news every day and have not yet. The current spread of the incident through the pier, people are interested in something like that, especially the details of things that are estimated to Chuanyue Hu Xie, Peter and his brother died foreign devil, as islands , the ladder. Suffering, Lao Hu secretly sigh. His first, distant sound of the cough I have my husband home to Earth, entering the door I heard a sound surprising success. Last night, coughing up blood and his wife, Yao Chile has not yet been activated. Came from the back room of her husky voice: "Yes my son back ... ... ... ... it?" Very Laohu made tears fall. His eyes, clear

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